
魔鬼 Satan

发布时间:2023-11-07 14:04:13作者:地藏网

  1-1-5. SATAN魔鬼


  Satan or the bandit is our desire and craving. it creates trouble for us just like a bandit. For example, we're addicted to smoking. We've got to spend the money that we've earned with sweat and tears to buy cigarettes to smoke, as soon as desire arises, we smoke already, no matter how many or how much it costs. If we have the divine eye and ear, we see and hear the voice of the bandit who tells us to go and see, go and listen, go and smoke. We eliminate him by not following the power of that desire and we don't have to lose money.


  The external bandit, everybody can see and is easy to suppress, but the internal bandit, in the mind; is not seen, or is hard to see and hard to suppress. Whoever has a bandit in the mind, cannot see clearly. He or she mistakes a persons face for something else, mistakes a friend for an enemy or a ghost. Have you ever heard of this? They say that people, when they are quarrelling and anger arises, don't see anymore, some see a little bit only. It is because of the anger in the mind. When there is a lot of anger one doesn't see anything, it's dark. And when they don't see, they beat and kick each other.


  It is probably clear that before people have a fight, there is Moha or delusion overwhelming their minds. These people can't see heaven and hell and they create trouble for the society. They are people without virtue, without Dhamma, they are evil people. When there is no virtue, no Dhamma, where do you go ? Well, you fall in hell ! For this reason there are as much people falling into hell as rice grains in a sack. The Buddha compares the people that fall in hell with the hairs of a cow and the people who rise up to heaven with the horns of a cow.




  • 初识佛法

  • 佛学课本

  • 佛光教科书
